Third World Country
California is rapidly becoming a third world country. Three million acres have burned in the last few weeks. The fires are not nearly contained. Fire season is not nearly complete. We have tens of thousands of people living on the streets and turning our sidewalks into gigantic toilets. We have power outages on a regular basis. We can’t even keep the lights on.
These problems are primarily caused by our political leadership. California is a two party state — Progressive and More Progressive. Both parties are in thrall to public sector labor unions, the nurses’ union and trial lawyers. Those special interests relentlessly feather their own nests at the expense of the public interest.
Lets start with the wildfires. The Great & Good (and our Governor standing in front of a burned out home) tell us the cause is GLOBAL WARMING. Horsebleep! Out of control fires are the result of high temperature, low humidity and excessive fuel load. California is a desert. It gets hot and dry every summer and fall. It’s been doing that since well before any carbon sinners got here. The fuel load we did ourselves. A few years ago, we had a drought. That is also a regular occurrence. The growth rings on redwoods tell us that the phenomenon of drought also occurred regularly before carbon sinning began. The drought killed millions of trees. Instead of thinning by logging/control burns, we allowed the fuel to get more combustible by the day . . . for years. Our laws allow environmental zealots to hold up any attempt to harvest dead trees or control burn almost indefinitely. The Great and Good and our government pour money into their collection plate.
We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the homeless issue in order to make the problem worse and import more homeless people from other states. Instead of acknowledging the tragedy of addiction and encouraging/facilitating transition to a clean and sober life, we offer free needles and hand out food. Instead of getting mentally ill people off the street and giving them medications that might ameliorate their problem, we respect their “civil rights” and allow them to wander the streets, a danger to themselves and others. We feel very compassionate as a result of these insane policies.
The power problem does not require an elaborate climate model to understand. It’s third grade math. We have mandated the closure of power plants and the construction of wind and solar power generation. When it gets hot and the sun/wind go away, we have a 25% shortfall. We have to buy power from out of state (generated by natural gas and coal). If the providers are also facing heavy demand, they have nothing to sell. Instead of building nuclear plants, we are dismantling the ones we have. Instead of installing more hydroelectric generators, we are filing suits to tear down dams.
Like most third world countries, we are broke. We are demanding that taxpayers from abroad support our fiscal ineptitude so we can continue to go down our dysfunctional path. This year’s “balanced” budget assumes that the Federal government (taxpayers from other parts of the country) will send us $15,400,000,000 to cover the shortfall.
We need to spend more time studying the Cuban economy to understand our future.